Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I chose the second option. Well, the Chileans mmm, I think what makes us Chileans is the mixing of things like be kind, affectionate, passionate, hot, funny, etc…

I love to be Chilean because in general we have a good education and especially I could be in a good school, we are in process to be a developed country, we have lucky for live in a extensive country because we can be in the snow and the same day we can be in the beach and enjoy both.

The thing that I hate of ourselves is the classist and racist that we could be, but, for lucky it wasn’t a lot. A sad thing is the fame that we have in the foreign, because for fault of few people, all of us are consider like thief, robbers, etc… and we aren’t like this.

About the nationalistic, I think that the answer is YES, we are, but in general when it is good for us or when we know that the future is good for us, for example [ I saw that in a report, and a share it] in this world cup, if we win, all the people will celebrate and all of them will say “we are the best ”CHI CHI CHI LE LE LE VIVA CHILE!!” etc, and “we are the best”, bla bla bla, but, if we lost, anyone is a Chilean, and all says: “we are bad, I always know that” etc… and I hate this because if we were really good Chileans we will support the team whatever happens.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My WiNdOw

I don’t choose this picture for the image but I choose it for its meaning. The picture is the view of my window in my apartment, and it symbolize the changes that I have lived in the last months, i lived with my parent and my sister. One of my best friends named Arlenn is like my sister and a daughter for my parents. She is American, and she lives alone in Chile because her parents live in Chicago. One day we was joking about live together, obviously thinking that it could be real but always waiting one NO, but my parents told me YES!!!! So, I move my things for her apartment and now I live with her. It was a big change in my life, but I love it, I think that I had matured because today I don’t have a person that he wake up me in the morning, cooking me when I have hungry or things like that. Here in the building I have known a lot of people and they are very good persons, and they could be the company in days of hard work. I visit my parents every weekend especially on Sundays; it’s very nice because we do funny things that we didn’t do when I lived with them, and I invite friends to theirs house and we drink delicious cocktails and eat cheese, chips, olives, etc. Luckily I haven’t had problems with my friend and my parents, and I have had the necessary money for live alone specially studying architecture because it’s a expensive career.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It was good conference and very interesting, but I must admit I had to see it twice and the second time with subtitles because I didn’t understand completely what Sir Ken Robinson said.

Referring to what he talk about, I share his posture about the education that we are receiving because we each have different tastes and abilities, which are not always related with university education. A clear example of this and a reason for which art should be taken more seriously is what happened at least in my career. The year I started my university studies, some classmates (good friends of mine) were on the waiting list and others with the best scores in my career, but the PSU only measures “the most important subjects” like Sir Ken Robinson says, such as math, Spanish and later science and history. For this reason this test does not measure accurately the successfulness of students in an art type career, thus, the students with the best scores aren’t necessarily the best students. Therefore I think that the education and the way we educate should be reevaluated in order to understand the student and how he learns not how we want him to learn because we are all different. I also think that we should adapt our entry system to universities by one which you would evaluate the abilities necessary for each career individually.