Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I chose the second option. Well, the Chileans mmm, I think what makes us Chileans is the mixing of things like be kind, affectionate, passionate, hot, funny, etc…

I love to be Chilean because in general we have a good education and especially I could be in a good school, we are in process to be a developed country, we have lucky for live in a extensive country because we can be in the snow and the same day we can be in the beach and enjoy both.

The thing that I hate of ourselves is the classist and racist that we could be, but, for lucky it wasn’t a lot. A sad thing is the fame that we have in the foreign, because for fault of few people, all of us are consider like thief, robbers, etc… and we aren’t like this.

About the nationalistic, I think that the answer is YES, we are, but in general when it is good for us or when we know that the future is good for us, for example [ I saw that in a report, and a share it] in this world cup, if we win, all the people will celebrate and all of them will say “we are the best ”CHI CHI CHI LE LE LE VIVA CHILE!!” etc, and “we are the best”, bla bla bla, but, if we lost, anyone is a Chilean, and all says: “we are bad, I always know that” etc… and I hate this because if we were really good Chileans we will support the team whatever happens.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My WiNdOw

I don’t choose this picture for the image but I choose it for its meaning. The picture is the view of my window in my apartment, and it symbolize the changes that I have lived in the last months, i lived with my parent and my sister. One of my best friends named Arlenn is like my sister and a daughter for my parents. She is American, and she lives alone in Chile because her parents live in Chicago. One day we was joking about live together, obviously thinking that it could be real but always waiting one NO, but my parents told me YES!!!! So, I move my things for her apartment and now I live with her. It was a big change in my life, but I love it, I think that I had matured because today I don’t have a person that he wake up me in the morning, cooking me when I have hungry or things like that. Here in the building I have known a lot of people and they are very good persons, and they could be the company in days of hard work. I visit my parents every weekend especially on Sundays; it’s very nice because we do funny things that we didn’t do when I lived with them, and I invite friends to theirs house and we drink delicious cocktails and eat cheese, chips, olives, etc. Luckily I haven’t had problems with my friend and my parents, and I have had the necessary money for live alone specially studying architecture because it’s a expensive career.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It was good conference and very interesting, but I must admit I had to see it twice and the second time with subtitles because I didn’t understand completely what Sir Ken Robinson said.

Referring to what he talk about, I share his posture about the education that we are receiving because we each have different tastes and abilities, which are not always related with university education. A clear example of this and a reason for which art should be taken more seriously is what happened at least in my career. The year I started my university studies, some classmates (good friends of mine) were on the waiting list and others with the best scores in my career, but the PSU only measures “the most important subjects” like Sir Ken Robinson says, such as math, Spanish and later science and history. For this reason this test does not measure accurately the successfulness of students in an art type career, thus, the students with the best scores aren’t necessarily the best students. Therefore I think that the education and the way we educate should be reevaluated in order to understand the student and how he learns not how we want him to learn because we are all different. I also think that we should adapt our entry system to universities by one which you would evaluate the abilities necessary for each career individually.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I think that the technology is very good for people, because it simplify a lot of things and it could be a form to help people with their health or simply having a better life.
my favorite piece of technology is the notebook, because i can do a lot of thing that i love, like play games, see movies, save my pictures, talk with friends when they are in other countries without spend money, make the university´s works like 3d models, plans, pictures, I don´t know, a lot of things, and the tools are so varied.
In effect, nowadays, celphones can do a lot of things that a notebook do but not all the things yet. And the over used term ¨it´s better 1 bird in hand that 1000 flying¨ it could be related with if you concentrate all the things in one piece of technology it does not mean that all the thing will be the best. But the technology is advancing very fast and the day of tomorrow we can get all the things in one piece of technology, or even in ourselves. For example once I listen about people in east that they had a chip in their wrist with a microphone and I don´t know how but their called other peoples just with their hand like handphone hahaha, or chips in the neck of pets for when they lost.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Pichidangui is a beach about two hours north of Santiago, between Los Molles and Los Vilos, i have travelled all my life to this place with my family and friends. My house is actually in Quilimari, Pichidangui is at sea level while Quilimari is closer the hill, but it's the same hahaha.
I can't remember a vacation without being there.
there are wonderful places to visit like the church in the rocks with the sun in the horizon, the "devil seat hill" which i go up all years.
Another place to see is Quintrala's cave in the north of the beach,
this year i went with my parents. As well there is a beautiful river with a bridge in the end where a competition of Peloton the reality was filmed.
It is very nice go to pichidangui in my vacations because i can relax in this landscape seeing the sun sit in the rocks. Aside from the places to see, i enjoy going because i have a friend that has a house
in pichidangui and we always get together and go down to the beach.
i really recommend this place to visit or even live there. Or even go in september 18th because there are exelent and very very very fun "fondas".

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

pLaTaF°rMa aRqUiTeCtuRa

The website link is:

It is a website creted specialy by Universidad Catolica de Chile´s Architects. The bosses of the website are David Assael and David Basulto (both architects of universidad Catolica de Chile)
Here you can find proyects, competitions, plans, maps, pictures, videos, etc.
you can see the last buildings, the last tecnology, the last materials, etc.
it´s a very complete website for architects or students of architecture.
I don´t visit the website periodically, just when need a plan or a map, but all days i recived an e-mail with the last publications. I think that it´s a very good website becouse if i need something for a building or i need a reference for a proyect, this website could be the best because the pictures have a good quality and there are good plans.
the website have a page in Facebook, well, today all the websites have an user in Facebook, but, i don´t know, i´m a fan of this website because in that way i have the architecture present all the time hahahaha

sometimes i saw the pictures in the website and i downloaded it for my backgroud computer, there are beaaatiful pictures.

i really advise this website :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BBC learning English

I think that the way how they want to teach it´s a good way because it´s interactive mode of learn and know what happen in the world, and the news have a vocabulary if you don´t know some word, like me, i don´t have a good vocabulary, so this website could be a good tool for me, and i can listen all the new practicing even more, and i can listen how i should say the words too.
I read a new of TINTIN BOOK ON TRIAL and it says:
¨A Congolese man is trying to get a controversial Tintin book banned in the cartoon star's home country of Belgium. He wants the book to carry a warning to alert readers that the book may cause offence.¨ and it was because in the book appear black people and they said that it´s a racist opinion and also support the idea of one country like a colony.
i think that it´s a very good website, i will use in the future for practice my english specially listening the british accent because i never had have a class with this accent. in my school just learn with northamerican accent.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


my favourite movie is Lilo and Stich is an amercian film produced by Walt Distey Pictures, it was written and directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois
it´s about an alien called experiment 626 who was created by Jumba, an alien scientist. this experiment scape from the spacial ship and he fell in Hawai, an island in the earth planet, in this place he finished in a dog pound.
Lilo is a little girl who wanted to buy a little dog, and she bougth the experiment 626 thinking that he was a dog, she called him Stich, the rest of the movie is how stich convert himself in a good ¨person¨, and how he become the best friend of Lilo
I love this movie, i laugh and cry every time that i saw it. even i can repet a little part of the movie word for word, my friends always think that i´m crazy. i saw this movie in the cinema with my classmates when i was in 6th gradeand. it was so funny.
when the movie is on tv i can´t lost it.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Funny commercial german guy trying english

the commercial try to advertise us that we have to learn english becouse a thing like that could happend to us, for example, i listened the commercial and i didn´t understand it becouse i didn´t know the sink word and i understood the same that the person understood in the commercial, it was so embarrassing. i think that this is the best way to buy a product becouse every people hate that other persons laugh about theirself.

i saw a realy realy bad video, but i have to see the final becouse i didn´t could not believe that a person could do thomething like that. in the first time, i hate him, and i want to kill him but when the video is finished i understood that all was a joke, hte name of the video is: what happens when you stuff a live cat in the microwave?

i konow that isn´t the best video, but if i could see that, you can do it too :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

February 27th

when this fact happened i was in Pichidangui, a beach at a north of santiago, near Los molles, i was with my family and we just went to sleep when the house started to move so much, firts, i was happy becouse i love this things, but after i scared thinking in my grandparents becouse they were in the next shack on the second floor. i went out of my shack just with my t-shirt and my boxer for see my grand parents, when i was in the door of their shack, my grandmother went out so scary, i gave her a stronger hug. when i came back shack all of my family were wakeup except my little dog, he slept like a bear hibernating. like in a hour we could communicate with our family in santiago, in that moment we could know the magnitude of the tragedy, fortunately we just lieved a tremor. the next day we called my uncle and he said that our house and all of our family was fine. later i call my apartmentmate becouse she was with her boyfriend and i didn´t know nothing about her, but she was fine.
to day when there was a tremor i don´t scare becouse i really didn´t live the earthquake like the people of santiago or the south of chile.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yorch C-side

My name is Jorge but my friends tell me Yorch. It's like George but in spanglish. I study architecture. this will be my Computer side where i can post things about me and my english class.
MMM a little of my life: i live in an apartment without my parents. i live with one of my BFF hahaha. i have 20years old, i have 1 sister, her name is Danae and she have 18years old. i love parties and dance all night xD. when i was a littleboy i played hockey in my school. I love Technology. i love junkfood. and i love Architecture although i can´t have free time.

TTYL bye