Wednesday, May 5, 2010

pLaTaF°rMa aRqUiTeCtuRa

The website link is:

It is a website creted specialy by Universidad Catolica de Chile´s Architects. The bosses of the website are David Assael and David Basulto (both architects of universidad Catolica de Chile)
Here you can find proyects, competitions, plans, maps, pictures, videos, etc.
you can see the last buildings, the last tecnology, the last materials, etc.
it´s a very complete website for architects or students of architecture.
I don´t visit the website periodically, just when need a plan or a map, but all days i recived an e-mail with the last publications. I think that it´s a very good website becouse if i need something for a building or i need a reference for a proyect, this website could be the best because the pictures have a good quality and there are good plans.
the website have a page in Facebook, well, today all the websites have an user in Facebook, but, i don´t know, i´m a fan of this website because in that way i have the architecture present all the time hahahaha

sometimes i saw the pictures in the website and i downloaded it for my backgroud computer, there are beaaatiful pictures.

i really advise this website :)


  1. jajaja I wrote about the some page!! ajjaja I really don't know many websites related to the carrer, so this was the first that came to my mind.

  2. it seems that plataformaarquitectura and plataformaurbana are like the bibles for the students of the FAU XD

  3. Hey nice to have a great chilean website
    I don't know anything about architecture but I am interested
