I chose the second option. Well, the Chileans mmm, I think what makes us Chileans is the mixing of things like be kind, affectionate, passionate, hot, funny, etc…
I love to be Chilean because in general we have a good education and especially I could be in a good school, we are in process to be a developed country, we have lucky for live in a extensive country because we can be in the snow and the same day we can be in the beach and enjoy both.
The thing that I hate of ourselves is the classist and racist that we could be, but, for lucky it wasn’t a lot. A sad thing is the fame that we have in the foreign, because for fault of few people, all of us are consider like thief, robbers, etc… and we aren’t like this.
About the nationalistic, I think that the answer is YES, we are, but in general when it is good for us or when we know that the future is good for us, for example [ I saw that in a report, and a share it] in this world cup, if we win, all the people will celebrate and all of them will say “we are the best ”CHI CHI CHI LE LE LE VIVA CHILE!!” etc, and “we are the best”, bla bla bla, but, if we lost, anyone is a Chilean, and all says: “we are bad, I always know that” etc… and I hate this because if we were really good Chileans we will support the team whatever happens.